
The Smoking Lounge

As I was walking through the airport in Washington D.C. I couldn’t help notice the sign for The Smokers Lounge. The word Lounge already sends a million images to my head, like big, plush chairs, music playing, people dressed up having a good time. Curious, I followed the sign (since I had about an hour to kill) and found it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t what I had expected. I figured there would be someone at the door making sure I was either smoking cigarettes, cigars, or a pipe. What I did find was a HUGE glass tank. Inside were the smokers, looking angry and disgruntled as they all smoked their cigarettes. It reminded me of an aquarium, the people were the fish and instead of needing water to survive they had one, big cloud of smoke hovering above their heads.

If this really were an aquarium I wonder what their little sign might say.
Caution: Please turn the flash off if you plan on taking a picture!
Caution: Do not feed the smokers
Caution: You can buy a pack of cigarettes to feed the smoker at the end of the hall

As I got closer to the tank I noticed several mean glares from the smokers. So instead of placing the tip of my finger on the glass and seeing with smoker would follow it as I traced it along the glass, I just walked over to the McDonalds and enjoyed a small box of chicken nuggets.


She's Electric said...

They're magestic creatures, stalking through parking lots and huddled in circles on cold days, generating heat from their little death sticks. Adorable. I only wish that you could have encountered the smokers in their natural habitat. :-D