
The Naked Man

Since it was such a nice morning, Patricia and I decided to head over to the beach. Once we made it to the beach I covered my porcelain skin in sunblock and slowly and cautiously made my way to the water. At this point Patricia was already swimming around in the water talking on and on and on about how nice the water was. I barely had my toes in and was already shivering.

There was only the two of us and I used that excuse to keep me out of the water since I noticed some weird teenage boy circling our stuff. I would stand by our things and he would sit about 10 feet away. A few minutes later when he realized I wasn't leaving our stuff unattended while he seet a few feet away he left. Creepy kid.

Eventually, I got myself into the water. Splashing around, shivering, and swearing like a pirate. It was at this point we noticed another guy walking in our direction. Neither one of us had our glasses on so we couldn't tell if he was free ballin' at the beach or just happend to have on a flesh colored speedo. Thus, the debate began.

'No, I think he might have a speedo on...'

'It looks like he's wearing a censor bar in the front...'

'Maybe it's a skin toned speedo?'

'Who would wear a skin toned speedo to the beach....oh my god..'

At this point the man turned around and we saw crack. He then began to swagger his way in our direction and we saw everything. It was as if he wanted to show off his junk to the two only girls in the water. He paused a few feet in front of us, posed for a second, then turned around and headed back where his naked ass came from.

We giggled for about 10 minutes after that. Oh naked man.