
Angel Face

Last night we were in Munich and decided to do the beer challenge through a tour company. There was a variety of people there....in particular Fabian, from Mexico City, Mexico. We chatted a little bit in the beginning of the evening but then as we moved to different beer halls the circle of new people changed as well.

At the last pub almost everyone (except me and a few others that became babysitters...) was über drunk. (I've been wanting to use at least one of those letters since I'm using a German Keeyboard). Well, Fabian sat his drunk ass next to me and for about 5 minutes we played the 'What's Rosies Real Name' game. It went something like this..

Fabian: So Rosa, how do you like the beer?
Me: It's Rosie
Fabian: How do you like the beer, Rosa?
Me: My name is Rosie....°Take a sip of beer, smile°
Fabian: So you like the beer Rosa?
Me: Rosie. Not Rosa.

That went on for about 5 more minutes...
He then framed my face with his hands and told me that I have an angel face. Fabian then said he knew I was a nice person because of my angel face and he was happy to meet such a nice person with an angel face.

I told him he was drunk...he said he wasn't and then nearly fell backwards on to one of his friends.