
Wabbit Season

I get to spend Christmas in Berlin with my family and so far it has been tons of fun. Yesterday we took a 2 hour road trip to visit family that live in the deep east side of Berlin. One of my moms cousins owns her own hair salon so it was nice to finally get my hair cut.

Once we got back my great aunt had cooked an awesome lunch. Dumplings, sour kraute, and rabbit. That's right, I ate rabbit. It was actually pretty good until I got the creepy feeling that I was being watched. I shrugged it off and continued eating the delicious rabbit and sour kraute and listend to the German conversation.

That was until I heard it. It was a light scratching noise coming from the hallway. I peered through the door and there it was, two of them. The familys pet rabbits sitting in their cages, watching me eat one of their own.

I then put another piece of rabbit on my fork and into my mouth as I rubbed my belly, smiling.
