
The Difference Between Pants and Underwear

Words can be funny sometimes. Especially when it means something completely different in the new country you just moved to. Fanny doesn't mean a persons backside, it actually means the womans front side, her lower front side, chips are french fries, a womans wallet is called a purse and her purse is called a bag. Something else I wish I had known was that pants actually mean underwear. So as I was packing for Scotland I decided on just one pair of jeans. I figured I would only be there for the weekend and really, how dirty can one pair of jeans get over the course of three days?

Obviously, I didn't take into account the 3 hour walking tour, ghost
tour, and just wandering aimlessly around the city that yes, the bottom
of my jeans would become pretty dirty. I sat on the bus heading back
to the airport when I glanced down and noticed the dry dirt and little
bit of mud on the bottom of my jeans and exclaimed loudly, 'Oh my god,
my pants are so dirty!'

Mia, my token British friend, began to laugh as about half the bus
turned and looked at me. Really didn't think my jeans would be such an
interest to everyone on the bus, so I just smiled sheepishly and looked
out the window. When you're really embarrassed things outside the
window become really interesting...Oh wow, check out that lamp post!

'My pants really are dirty! Look!' Mia started laughing again before
she looked at me and told me that here pants mean underwear. I
basically told everyone on the bus that I have dirty underwear.

Rosie Billings, making friends where ever she goes....